Woolworth Building collection (c. 1928) (2 vintage prints)
Woolworth Building collection (c. 1928) (2 vintage prints)
These photographs were selected from our archive as they are great antique representations of a famous piece of American Architecture. We appreciate the Municipal Building serves as a natural frame in the larger image. The much faded "792 FEET" in old style script is a charming addition to the smaller piece.
Images are in OK condition. Both were mounted to cardboard long ago, and as such are surprisingly free of creases and crimps despite they're ago. However, the larger bears ink stains, though thankfully the subject of the photo is largely unaffected.
The larger image (7" x 9") is printed on heavyweight photographic paper, and since scanning has come apart from its carboard (carboard will be included).
The smaller image (3" x 9") is printed on much lighter paper and is gradually coming apart from its cardboard.